Thursday, February 24, 2011

Beautiful Creatures

Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1)Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

LOVED this book. No idea why people are trashing it.

First - told in a male POV. Love that.

Ethan is an average popular guy in rural southern america. He meets Lena and throws his popularity away to spend time with her. She is the town outcast's niece and no one likes her. In a town where different and new are out-casted. Best part? While he falls in love at first sight -- she is hesitant to start anything. He thinks she is the girl from his dreams - literally. They share the same realistic dreams and neither know why. They have a very powerful connection, he gets electrocuted everytime they touch. We find out that she is a Caster and so is her family. Her uncle is a Incubus, kinda like a vampire but he feeds on mortal's dreams. She is believed to be a natural - Has super strong powers and can control the weather with her emotions.

She counts down the days till her 16th birthday - the day that she is Claimed. On this day she will either go light or dark (and never be the same again). They both try to find a way to stop this from happening. Through visions of the past they discover that their ancestors we also lovers. Lena's grandmother performed a spell that cast the curse upon the family.

Amma is found to be a Seer - basically like a fortune teller. And Ethan discovers that his mother also knew about the Caster world.

At the end of the book they discover that Sarafine is Lena's mother and she is the Darkest caster alive. The dark version of a Natural - a Cataclyst.
She tells Lena that she does have a choice. . . She can go light and kill her Dark relatives (Macon, Ridley, and Serafine) or she can go dark and kill all of her light relatives. While it seems like a no brainer, she does not want to sacrafice Macon who has been a dad to her, for her whole life. Sarafine offers a gift if she choses to go dark: the ability to BE WITH Ethan. She reveals that if they ever have sex, Ethan would die.

Lena stops time and finds a way to block out the moon so she does not have to decide. However, Sarafine had stabbed Ethan before time stopped. Lena uses the dreaded book of moons to save him, and in return the spirits kill Macon instead. Ethan has no idea of the truth. Lena also kills Sarafine and her helpers with lightning while they are frozen in time.

The book ends soon after, Lena being depressed all the time, and Ethan's father going to a psych hospital because Amma discovered he wasnt actually writing a real book and tried to kill himself.

Currently reading the next book: beautiful darkness :)

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Great review.Sounds great.

    Finally I find someone that likes nails and books!I have a other blog where I review books and then a other one for my nails!
